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Writer's pictureBrittany Hill

The Importance of Breaks for Teachers

Thanksgiving break has been nothing but restful and restorative for me this year, but it took four years as an educator for me to get to this place. The number one most healing thing for me during breaks is doing absolutely nothing . No grading papers, no lesson planning, and no calendar making. As teachers we often do not get the opportunity to just sit still and for many teachers Thanksgiving break is the first opportunity to do that. During my first couple years I would spend at least three days during break grading papers or lesson planning because of the anxiety of coming home and sitting still after moving constantly for weeks. It took time but my new mantra is Will my students be negatively affected if I do it during the week ? If not, do it during the work week . This has worked wonders for my mental health.

Plane clouds

Our students get to sit at home and enjoy their families so do their hard-working teachers. The next thing I have made sure to do every long break is to do some form of travel even if it is to a place I have been a thousand times, taking a mental break from home is extremely healing. Acting like a tourist allows me to return to being Brittany not just Ms. Hill. Travel has allowed me to bring my diverse experiences to my students who may not have ever left the state of Texas.

Finally, decluttering my home has become a ritual for me during break. During the school year the temptation to pile all of my laundry on top of my bed and sleep next to it is too strong. I can’t fight it after a 10 hour day at work at a teacher and a coach. I utilize my break to go through my home and clean areas I have been neglecting. I have only been able to convince myself to do said decluttering because I am preparing for a holiday party I will have before next break , even if I don't end up having a party it gives me something to look forward to.

I truly hope all teachers break was as relaxing or more relaxing than mine. If not, hope is not lost we have another break in 3 weeks for you to try again. Remember we can’t care for others if we don't care for ourselves.

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